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In Part 1 of this article, we have seen some of the basic usages of new ClientScriptManager class that assists in client side interactions in applications. Unfortunately, msdn is not having enough documentation which can help us to understand the features of this class better. Moving forward, part 2 of this article we will see more about the left out methods in ClientScriptManager class and its usages.
In Part 1, we have seen how to integrate and doing some basic customization on FCKeditor when used in ASP.Net websites. Moving forward, Part 2 of this article series will discuss more on customization and client side interactions when using FCKeditor in
We use TextArea field to capture large user inputs in websites. For example, receiving user comments for an item, submitting articles, etc. It will be good if we have HTML formatting in those scenarios and let the users to style their text, some sort of WYSIWYG editors/Rich Text Box. In Part 1, we will see more about integrating and using the FCKeditor in ASP.Net with some basic customization. Part 2, we will discuss about more customization and client side interaction when we use FCKeditor.
The State or Cache Management is nothing but the way to storing the data in Client-Side and in Server-Side using preity small memory.
In this article, i will explain how to implement a website using 3-tier architecture in a beginner point of view. After reading this article, you will understand how to create a simple 3-tier based architecture project using Visual Studio 2005.
ASP.Net is packed with many data bound control to present the data in tabular form to the users. In GridView control, we can enable the inbuilt paging by setting AllowPaging and PageSize property. In this approach, it will fetch all the records from database to display the records in any page. This will affect the performance when the number of records is really huge. It will be good, if we fetch only those records which are required to display in that particular page. This article will help us
In the first part of this article we concentrated on two aspects Problem and Design. We started with the Problem, that is, defining what we need to implement the Friends concept, finding and inviting friends to join our network and developing an alert system. We then moved to Design wherein we actually finalized the requirements. And finally we began with the Solution, that is, actually implementing the features. In this part of the article by Andrew Siemer, we will continue with the solution pa
In this article by Andrew Siemer, we will cover the most important aspect of any community site—making friends. We will divide this article in two parts. This part starts with the discussion of Problem, that is, what we need to do to achieve success for the article's topic—finding and inviting friends to your network on a community site. It then moves to Design part where we decide on our requirements, and finally the article reaches Solution part where we begin discussing how to actually implem
Authentication is one of the essential parts of any application we develop. Using authentication, our site visitors can be restricted to access private contents anonymously. Forms Authentication is one of the authentication mechanisms that can be used to authenticate users. With the introduction of 2.0 we have a handful of controls that helps in implementing role based forms authentication very easy with the primary support of Providers in ASP.Net 2.0.
Validation is one of the indispensable parts of any projects we develop. To prevent any devastation or inconsistency due to user inputs we have to rely upon some sort of validations in application.Validations on user input can be done in 2 ways, Client Side Validation and Server Side Validation. Read more on this article...
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