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How to Take Screen Shot of Scrolling Full Web Page in Google Chrome and FireFox Browsers?
This is a simple to do article which will help you to take screenshot of a full webpage that has vertical scroll. Let’s see this how to do in 2 of..Read more

General HowTo

Using Autofac Instead of Inbuilt DI Container in Asp.Net Core MVC
Asp.Net Core is designed to replace the inbuilt container with a third party implementation very easily. In this article, let’s see how to use..Read more

Asp.Net Core Asp.Net Core MVC

Displaying JSON Data Using jQuery Templates (mustache.js) in Asp.Net MVC
Getting Json data and displaying it in a webpage is very common requirement these days. There are some template libraries available to display Json..Read more

Asp.Net MVC

Asp.Net Identity in Asp.Net MVC 5.0 - Customizing ApplicationUser Table and Using Single DbContext
Asp.Net Identity is new unified Identity System for providing identity services that work across platforms.Let's create a new project with “No..Read more

Asp.Net MVC

Multiple Submit Button in a Single Form in Asp.Net MVC
Having multiple submit button in a form is very common scenario in any application we develop.By default, when we have multiple Submit buttons all..Read more

Asp.Net MVC