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BizTalk - Errors and Warnings, Causes and Solutions

By Alice Julia
Posted On Jun 08,2009
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BizTalk - Errors and Warnings, Causes and Solutions

The following article will discuss on the common errors and warning that we face when using BizTalk and their resolutions.

Error 1 (Warning)

The adapter failed to transmit message going to send port "xxxxx" with URL "DB2://xx.xx.xx.xx/....". It will be retransmitted after the retry interval specified for this Send Port. Details:"Internal network library error.”


This corruption is caused by a timing issue in the Host Integration Server 2004 Managed Provider for DB2.


Check if VPN is connected.


Error 2 (Warning)

The adapter "SQL" raised an error message. Details "The Messaging Engine is shutting down. “


This occurs if the host instance was stopped while SQL Receive port was pulling data from the SQL database.


Staring the Host instance will resolve this issue.


Error 3 (Warning)

The adapter "FTP" raised an error message. Details "Unable to connect to FTP server "xx.xx.xx.xx" as user "USER1". Please verify the address and port. Also, verify the FTP server is running. ".


Connection to the FTP would have been lost.


Increase the error threshold and set the polling interval to 30. This issue is solved once when the FTP is connected.

HOWEVER, sometimes even though the event log saying that the adapter was able to recover from recent failure and the error threshold count gets reset, the receive location was no longer able to consume any more data file.

In order to process them again, either disable and enable all the receive locations, or stop the application completely and restart it.


Error 4 (Warning)

The adapter "FTP" raised an error message. Details "The adapter recovered from recent failures. The Event Log Error Threshold count reset. ".


It means that the adapter was disconnected and now it has regained connection.

HOWEVER, sometimes even though the event log saying that the adapter was able to recover from recent failure and the error threshold count gets reset, the receive location was no longer able to consume any more data file.

In order to process them again, disable and enable all the receive locations, or stop the application completely and restart it.


Error 5

A message sent to adapter “SQL” on send port ‘SendPort1’ with URI “SQL://TransactionsDB” is suspended.

Error details: HRESULT='xxxxx' Description="Could not find stored procedure 'sp_xxxxx".


This problem may occur when there is no SP in Database or you changed the name of store procedure.


Once changed the name of the store procedure, make sure you finish the one of below steps:

1.      Re-generate all related schemas and other artifacts.

2.      If you choose to modify the schema manually, you must change annotation value & node name to tailor the new SP's name.


Error 6 (Warning)

An error occurred that requires the BizTalk service to terminate. The most common causes are the following:

 1) An unexpected out of memory error.


 2) An inability to connect or a loss of connectivity to one of the BizTalk databases.

 The service will shut down and auto-restart in 1 minute. If the problematic database remains unavailable, this cycle will repeat.


 Error message: [DBNETLIB][Connection Write (send()).]General network error. Check your network documentation.



Firewall causes such behavior.


Disable the firewall and try again.


Error 7 (Warning)

The adapter failed to transmit message going to send port "xxxxx" with URL "DB2://xx.xx.xx.xx:446/....". It will be retransmitted after the retry interval specified for this Send Port. Details:"The user does not have the authority to access the host resource. Check your authentication credentials or contact your system administrator. SQLSTATE: HY000, SQLCODE: -1000".


This error occurs if the DB2 port was configured as part of importing msi file into the production environment.


Configure the DB2 port explicitly in the production environment.


Error 8

The receive location "xxx" with URL "ftp://xx.xx.xx.xx:xx//....../*.CSV" is shutting down. Details:"The error threshold was exceeded. ".


The problem is with the binding.


The receive location has to be added and configured to get this working.


Error 9 (Warning)

An error occurred that requires the BizTalk service to terminate. The most common causes are the following:

 1) An unexpected out of memory error.


 2) An inability to connect or a loss of connectivity to one of the BizTalk databases.

 The services will shut down and auto-restart in 1 minute. If the problematic database remains unavailable, this cycle will repeat.


 Error message: Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.Spool'.'IX_Spool' in database 'BizTalkMsgBoxDb' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting auto growth on for existing files in the filegroup.


This error is occurring because the database LOG file is either too large for what has been allocated or the SQL server disk is full.


It is important to setup the database to automatically shrink itself.  This is done in SQL Enterprise Manager by finding the database of interest, clicking with the right mouse button then selecting properties.  Under the Options folder make sure you have selected "Truncate Log on Checkpoint", "Select into/bulk copy", and "Auto Shrink".  These options will significantly help control the size of the database and log file.  This will also compact the database on a daily basis. 

Or, use the following query to shrink 'BizTalkMsgBoxDb' database.

backup log BizTalkMsgBoxDb with truncate_only

dbcc shrinkdatabase('BizTalkMsgBoxDb',truncateonly)

use BizTalkMsgBoxDb /* this is mandatory for Shrink file */


dbcc shrinkfile('BizTalkMsgBoxDb',TRUNCATEONLY )

Note:  After making these changes it may take minutes and possibly more than 1 hour for the server to recover from the problem and shrink the database.


Error 10 (Warning)

All receive locations are being temporarily disabled because either the Message Box or Configuration database is not available. When these databases become available, the receive locations will be automatically enabled.


This error is subsequent to Error 9. It is mainly due to BizTalkMsgBoxDb overflow.

BizTalk is losing connection to SQL which is a 'showstopper' scenario to BizTalk in other words it will never function.


Disable the trace in peak hours just to make sure that you are not running into performance/networking bottle neck issues. Also execute the query to shrink the database.

backup log BizTalkMsgBoxDb with truncate_only

dbcc shrinkdatabase('BizTalkMsgBoxDb',truncateonly)

use BizTalkMsgBoxDb /* this is mandatory for Shrink file */


dbcc shrinkfile('BizTalkMsgBoxDb',TRUNCATEONLY )


Error 11

The Messaging Engine failed to retrieve the configuration from the database. Details:"The database cannot be accessed because the system is recovering from an earlier database failure. ".


This situation occurs if the BizTalkMsgBoxDb has grown abundantly, or the database itself was sent to suspend mode.


To recover the database from suspect mode execute the following query

EXEC sp_resetstatus 'Yourdatabasename'ALTER DATABASE Yourdatabasename SET EMERGENCYDBCC checkdb(' Yourdatabasename ')ALTER DATABASE Yourdatabasename SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATEDBCC CheckDB (' Yourdatabasename ', REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS)



The Database will then turn to emergency mode. Then detach the database and restore it with an earlier backup.

Now the database should be up, and working.


Error 12 (Warning)

The Messaging Engine failed while writing tracking information to the database. Details:"Unable to acquire the necessary database session for this operation. ".


The error is subsequent to the errors raised earlier. The solutions to 9, 11 will resolve this issue.


Error 13

The following stored procedure call failed: " { call [dbo].[bts_InsertMessage]( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}". SQL Server returned error string: "could not allocate space for object 'dbo.Spool'.'IX_Spool' in database 'BizTalkMsgBoxDb' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting auto growth on for existing files in the filegroup.".


This error is occurring because the database LOG file is either too large for what has been allocated or the SQL server disk is full.


Disable the trace in peak hours just to make sure that you are not running into performance/networking bottle neck issues. Also execute the query to shrink the database.

backup log BizTalkMsgBoxDb with truncate_only

dbcc shrinkdatabase ('BizTalkMsgBoxDb', truncateonly)

use BizTalkMsgBoxDb /* this is mandatory for Shrink file */


dbcc shrinkfile ('BizTalkMsgBoxDb', TRUNCATEONLY)


Error 14

A message received by adapter "FILE" on receive location "EDI_835_Solution_1.0.0.0_EDI_835_Solution.EDI_835_
Orchestration_Receive_Port_8dd0a3b70b5b5627_ReceiveLocation" with URI "c:\835_In\*.txt" is suspended.
 Error details: The published message could not be routed because no subscribers were found. This error occurs if the subscribing orchestration or send port has not been enlisted, or if some of the message properties necessary for subscription evaluation have not been promoted. Please use the BizTalk Administration console to troubleshoot this failure. 


This error occurs if the subscribing orchestration or send port has not been enlisted, or if some of the message properties necessary for subscription evaluation have not been promoted.


First of all, you need to use a pipeline on your receive location that will promote properties of the EDI message such as a custom pipeline with an EDI disassemble component or the EdiReceive pipeline.

You want to setup a send port filter by clicking on the "Filter" tab on a Send Port's properties. You want to use a filter that will catch the received file. For an 835 you could use EDI.ST01 == 835 as the filter.


Error 15

There was a failure executing the receive pipeline. Source: "Flat file Disassembler" Receive Port: "xxxxx" URI: "ftp://xx.xx.xx.xx/\....../*.csv" Reason: No Disassemble stage components can recognize the data.


Make sure that you have your schemas deployed, that they are still in the


Error 16 (Warning)

The adapter "SQL" raised an error message. Details "HRESULT="0x80040e14" Description="Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 2."

HRESULT="0x80040e14" Description="The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file. Roll back the transaction."

HRESULT="0x80040e14" Description="Cannot roll back ShipHeaderTransaction. No transaction or save point of that name was found."

HRESULT="0x80004005" Description="Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 2."

HRESULT="0x80040e14" Description="Uncommittable transaction is detected at the end of the batch. The transaction is rolled back."




The clue is to embed the stored procedure within try catch and transaction statements.

USE Adventure Works;





    -- Generate a constraint violation error.





        ERROR_NUMBER () AS ErrorNumber

       , ERROR_SEVERITY () AS ErrorSeverity

        , ERROR_STATE () AS ErrorState

        , ERROR_PROCEDURE () AS ErrorProcedure

        , ERROR_LINE () AS ErrorLine

        , ERROR_MESSAGE () AS ErrorMessage;


    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0








Error 17 (Warning)

Transaction (Process ID 56) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.


The reason for this warning is the SQL Server database overload. The Server is looking after other applications apart from BizTalk


Use the transact statements along with try catch. Also include the following code in the procedure.

--To handle deadlock issues



Error 18

A message received by adapter "FILE" on receive location "xxxxx" with URI "C:\....\*.CSV" is suspended. Error details: There was a failure executing the receive pipeline: "xxxxx" Source: "Flat file Disassembler" Receive Port: "xxxxx" URI: "C:\......\*.CSV" Reason: Unexpected data found while looking for: '^'


The flat file might have missing delimiters.


Set the flat file as input instance and validate the schema against the input file. Identify the place where the delimiter is missing and fix it.

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Article Feedback
no need to adjust some points
Just to let you know: there are a few errors on your recommendations on behalf of how to use a SQL Server.
E.g. Error 9, point 2:
"Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.Spool'.'IX_Spool' in database 'BizTalkMsgBoxDb' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting auto growth on for existing files in the filegroup."

This is an indicator that the DATA file is full. It has nothign to do with the Log file. Also: Enable AutoShrink, really? This is absolutely bad advice. It leads to high fragmentation of the database.

Another example: error 17, e.g. deadlocks in SQL Server occurs more often due to bad application design, not because SQL Server database is overloaded. The description regarding the transaction isolation level is just wrong.
I remember this month a long, long time ago. It seems like only<a href=""> yearetdsy</a> and yet it feels like I have been blogging for ever.It was with great
I remember this month a long, long time ago. It seems like only<a href=""> yearetdsy</a> and yet it feels like I have been blogging for ever.It was with great fear and apprehension that I started blogging last year with a lot of moaning from Brett. Initially I did not see the benefit in taking my hard earned knowledge and sharing for FREE!! on the internet.Subsequently I have found that through sharing what you know you gain a lot more than keeping it to yourself. The benefit comes from the community that participate and share their knowledge through questions as well as posts from other bloggers.I therefore want to thank all the people that read our blogs and to my fellow members of this community for their support this last year. We will continue with our efforts and I believe the next year will be even beter.
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I view this as a nice baseline for dicssusion.I find that too often you change the flow of work so I tend NOT to document the functional part using illustrations. I use words instead.An illustration i
I view this as a nice baseline for dicssusion.I find that too often you change the flow of work so I tend NOT to document the functional part using illustrations. I use words instead.An illustration is, however, VERY useful from a high level to show which servers are involved etc.My basic principle is that you should NEVER document things which a developer has access to and does not benefit from documentations. As such I tend not to document orchestrations nor maps in any detail as these are accessable by the developer. A tool like BizTalk Documenter is (in my view) not very useful at all as it only collects information that is accessable by the developer.A question put to you and anyone else that might be reading: Were (if done) do you document information about ports and port settings?
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Biztalk Error
This document i great