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Data Encryption and Decryption using DPAPI classes in .NET

By Balamurali Balaji
Posted On Apr 16,2008
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Data Encryption and Decryption using DPAPI classes in .NET

This article explains how to use the ProtectMemory and ProtectData classes in System.Security.Cryptography namespace to encrypt and decrypt data by calling wrappers around DPAPI methods.




Data Protection API (DPAPI) is a security encryption module introduced in Windows 2000 and is included with the later versions of Windows to provide cryptographic features like key management, to secure user credentials. This is a service that is provided by the operating system and does not require additional libraries. It provides encryption for sensitive data in memory.

DPAPI generates two keys: a key for the user credential, and a master key. It also uses random session key when you call CryptProtectData. Combine with all these keys, data is protected. When you change the password, DPAPI will hook up to the password change event and does the re-encryption whole again. DPAPI works at both the machine-level and user-level encryption access scenarios. 

In .NET 2.0 and later versions, a set of wrapper classes have been introduced to encrypt data by simple means using the current user account or computer accessing DPAPI.  You need not have to use the P/Invoke to work with the DPAPI methods and the encryption-decryption is not just limited to user credentials.





The ProtectedMemory class may be used to encrypt an array of in-memory bytes. This functionality is available in Microsoft Windows XP and later operating systems. You can specify that memory encrypted by the current process can be decrypted by the current process only, by all processes, or from the same user context. The MemoryProtectionScope enumeration is available for this purpose.


To perform encryption and decryption of data stored in-memory, you may use the methods Protect and UnProtect methods.




To demonstrate this, create a new console application and add reference to System.Security.dll. In the program.cs, add the following code:


        static void Main(string[] args)


            byte[] myData = new byte[32];

            System.Text.ASCIIEncoding ae = new ASCIIEncoding();

            // Protecting and Un-protecting data in memory

            Console.Write("Enter some text: ");

            string text = Console.ReadLine();

            if (text.Length < myData.Length)

                text = text.PadRight(myData.Length, ' ');


                text = text.Substring(0,myData.Length);

            myData = ae.GetBytes(text);           

           Console.WriteLine("Before protection: {0}", ae.GetString(myData));

            System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedMemory.Protect(myData,    System.Security.Cryptography.MemoryProtectionScope.SameProcess);

            Console.WriteLine("After protection: {0}", ae.GetString(myData));

            System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedMemory.Unprotect(myData, System.Security.Cryptography.MemoryProtectionScope.SameProcess);

            Console.WriteLine("After un-protection: {0}", ae.GetString(myData));




Both the Protect and UnProtect methods takes the input data only in multiples of 16 bytes. In the above program, the maximum length of the data to be encrypted in 32 bytes; if the user enters data more or less, the entered text is trimmed and padded with white spaces accordingly. Below is the output displaying both the encrypted and decrypted data you entered on the console.








The ProtectedData class provides access to the Data Protection API (DPAPI) available in Microsoft Windows 2000 and later operating systems. This is a service that is provided by the operating system and does not require additional libraries. It provides protection using the user or machine credentials to protect or unprotect data.


The class consists of two wrappers for the unmanaged DPAPI, Protect and Unprotect. These two methods can be used to protect and unprotect data such as passwords, keys, and connection strings.




To demonstrate the usage of ProtectedData class, in the Main method, add the following code:


            byte[] myEntropy = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

            byte[] protectedData = System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.Protect(myData, myEntropy, System.Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser);

            Console.WriteLine("After data protection: {0}", ae.GetString(protectedData));

            byte[] unprotectedData = System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.Unprotect(protectedData, myEntropy, System.Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser);

            Console.WriteLine("After un-protection: {0}", ae.GetString(unprotectedData));


In the above code, both the Protect and UnProtect methods use the optionalEntropy parameter that provides additional information stored as a byte array to encrypt and decrypt data. This would give more protection over your data.








The ProtectMemory and ProtectData classes comes in handy for encrypting and decrypting any data on the fly and you need not have to rely on any algorithms. It uses the Windows Operating System’s DPAPI security module and can be implemented across the applications, users and machines. Its real potential lays in its application in the distributed computing which is not the scope of the article.



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1. Transposition ciphers can be seplmir, allowing the sender and receiver to communicate with a minimum of effort exhausted learning and employing the shift or permutation of the plaintext being used.
1. Transposition ciphers can be seplmir, allowing the sender and receiver to communicate with a minimum of effort exhausted learning and employing the shift or permutation of the plaintext being used. While someone using a substitution cipher would have to look up each individual symbol and rewrite the message, someone reading a transposition cipher would just have to memorize the key, then shift or rearrange the ciphered message to reveal the intended message. The disadvantage of this type of cipher is that it is not very secure. Once someone figures out the key or shift, they can then decipher any message using that particular key. In substitution ciphers, they must figure out the meaning of each different symbol, with no correlation to each other. 2. People may need to use a cipher or code to keep a variety of things secret. For example, if a husband was meeting with a group of friends to go out gambling once a week, but his wife prohibited him from engaging in such activity, he and his friends could communicate in code. Alternatively, email is a very important means of communication that requires encoding to protect people's security and private information. If anyone were able to intercept and read everyone's emails, people would stop using emails to communicate with each other. This would apply to almost all other means of internet-driven communication. 3. Well, first off, our culture and society is far more advanced than the early Muslim civilization. The way we educate our children significantly impacts the way they think and look at the world. We are taught to pay attention to spelling, numbers, and facts. Naturally many people would focus on the letters or symbols that recur most frequently. Then a natural progression would be to compare those recurrences to a sample of pain text. 4.Singh means that people rely on codes and ciphers too much. When they believe their code is unbreakable, they write whatever they want, no matter how incriminating it may be, since they are confident that no one will be able to interpret the message, even if it is intercepted. When not using a code or cipher, people trying to keep a secret will be more carful in what they write down, and try not to give anything away or provide valuable information for those who may intercept the message. If this same level of precaution were taken in conjunction with a code or cipher, evidence would be extremely difficult to find.
Colin Forbes
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DPAPI on the network
I need the ability to protect and un-protect a connection string in my config file on a Windows Forms application using VS2005. I am using Click Once Deployment to a server from which a user will install the applicaiton on their PC. From everything I have read, this cannot be done using DPAPI. Am I correct? If I am not correct, then how can it be done? If I am correct, what method of encryption should I use?
Hi, DPAPI works at both the machine and user level. I have mentioned this in the Introduction section. For example, In a networked environment, once you protect a password or config file specifying the scope as machine or user, un-protection would effect only at the particular machine and user. Otherwise, encryption and decryption must be available to all the machines/users especially when you have a option of storing the protected data in a file. I have not illustrated this in this article, as I felt to write about the simple use of ProtectMemory and ProtectData classes and I do not have a network to test the same. -Balamurali Balaji
Not portable
You should mention that data encrypted on one machine and decrypted on another will not work. This only works on a single machine and is meant for encrypting/decrypting the config file to hide a password.