LINQ to SQL uses LINQ as querying
technique to query the database object through the LINQ to SQL.
What is LINQ?
LINQ stands for Language Integrated
Query. LINQ is a data querying methodology which provides querying capabilities
to .Net languages with syntax similar to SQL query. LINQ has a set of querying
operators that can be used to query in memory object collection, Sql database,
XML, etc. LINQ processing engine will then convert the LINQ query to native
query specific to the database to execute against the datasource. Since, the
querying feature is integrated with the language; one can build an efficient
query based on the language of their choice. With Visual Studio, we have
intellisense support and with language support, we have type safety and
compile-time error checks.
There are many advantages when we use
ORM in our projects. Below are few,
1. You can query the database object treating it as a .net object using
.net language.
2. Your data access development will be easier.
3. It handles the SQL injection attacks automatically.
4. You will get type safety and compiler advantages since the database
objects are managed as .net object.
5. Using Visual Studio provides you intellisense support and other tools
for developing the LINQ to SQL classes
Constructing your first LINQ to
Visual studio 2008 is packed with tool
called LINQ to SQL designer which will help us to build the LINQ to SQL classes
very easily.
LINQ to SQL designer
It is a new designer to design
relational database object as LINQ to SQL objects. We can either, drag and drop
database object from “Server Explorer” or, we can design the LINQ to SQL object
manually using the designer and tools.
To understand better, we will create
two simple tables, Employee and Department, will design our LINQ to SQL
Open Visual Studio 2008, Click File
>Website and choose ASP.Net Website. Choose the language of your choice and
name your website according to your need.
In solution explorer, right the project
and select “Add New Item”. Select “LINQ to SQL classes” as shown in below
figure. I have named it as EmployeeInfo.

This will add an EmployeeInfo.dbml file
inside “App_Code” folder. In Visual Studio, EmployeeInfo.dbml will have 2
panes. The left pane is for deigning the data objects and the right pane can be
used for creating methods that operates on the data objects.
The Visual Studio toolbar will contain
a new toolbar for designing LINQ to SQL objects. Refer below,

We will see more about using these
toolbar to create our own object in future articles. Once we include the LINQ to
SQL Class in the project, there will be 3 files added to the
An XML file that contains information
about the tables like table name, column name, type, etc
An XML file that specifies how the
designer places the objects.
The C# code file that will have code to
interact with the underlying database called DataContext object. It also has
entity class definition.
Designing the LINQ to SQL
Open Server Explorer, Expand the
database tables.
Drag Employee and Department into LINQ
to SQL designer and click Save. The Objects will be created automatically. Refer
the below figure.

This will update the
EmployeeInfo.designer.cs file with class definition for Employee and Department.
It will also generate the DataContext object for these objects for interacting
with the underlying datasource i.e. it is with the help of this DataContext
class we can interact with the database objects in our managed environment. In
our case, it is EmployeeInfoDataContext.
The arrow between the object is the
foreign key relationship between them. This means that the Employee class will
have the Department class as a member.
Thus, we have modelled LINQ to SQL
classes which has O/R mapping. Moving forward, we will see how we can we use
these objects to do our data access.
Using LINQ to SQL classes
The below code will fetch all the
employees rows and will populate a GridView control.
EmployeeInfoDataContext dbEmp = new
var LINQQuery = from emp in
gvEmployee.DataSource =
Updating Employee
The below code uses the LINQ to SQL
class to update the employee information whose employee id is fetched from
EmployeeInfoDataContext dbEmp = new
string EmpID =
Employee empTemp = (from emp in
where emp.EmpID
== int.Parse(EmpID)
empTemp.EmpName =
empTemp.DeptID =
empTemp.Age =
empTemp.Address =