The -foregroundcolor and -backgroundcolor parameters
specifies the text and background color.
The -noNewLine parameter specifies that the content displayed
in the console does not end with a newline character. The -separator specify the
string to output between objects displayed on the console.
The command displays the input to the console, but because of
the nonewline parameter, the output is followed directly by the prompt. Next
command, adds the newline after the output.
PS D:\Users\bala> write-host "no newline specified here"
no newline specified herePS D:\Users\bala>write-host "by
default, newline is added"
by default, newline is added
PS D:\Users\bala>
This command displays the even numbers from 2 through 12. The
Separator parameter is used to add the string ,".."
PS D:\Users\bala> write-host (2,4,6,8,10,12) -separator
This command displays the text. It uses the Foregroundcolor
parameter to output green text and the Backgroundcolor parameter to display a
white background.
PS D:\Users\bala> write-host "by default, newline is
added" -foregroundcolor Green -backgroundcolor white
by default, newline is added
This cmdlet is used to write an object to the error pipeline.
Lets you write error messages along with other information such as an id, object
data, and suggested actions.
The -message parameter specifies the message text of the
The -category parameter specifies the category of the
The -errorId and -targetObject parameters specify the id of
the associated error and the object with which the error is associated.
The -recommendedAction parameter sescribes the recommended
response to the error.
The -exception specifies the exception type of the error.
This parameter can be used in place of Message and ErrorRecord, in which case it
should appear as the first parameter of the parameter set.
The -errorRecord specifies an error record describing details
about the error. This parameter can be used in place of the Exception and
Message parameters, in which case it is the first parameter of the parameter
This command writes an object to the error pipeline if the
Get-ChildItem cmdlet returns an object of type Microsoft.Win32.Registry, which
it will do if the command is run within the namespace of the Registry
PS D:\Users\bala> get-childitem | foreach-object { if
($_.gettype().tostring() -eq "Videos") {write-error "out of" -errorid b1
-targetobject $_ } else {$_} }
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d-r-- 23-11-2007 13:25:13 Contacts
d-r-- 02-02-2008 23:29:43 Desktop
d-r-- 11-02-2008 12:56:33 Documents
d-r-- 10-02-2008 14:27:58 Downloads
d-r-- 04-02-2008 19:10:07 Favorites
d-r-- 17-01-2008 16:50:44 Links
run the same command in the Registry mode and you will get error.
This cmdlet writes a warning message. The message is sent
directly to the host. Whether the message is displayed in the console depends
upon the value of the $WarningPreference variable. Type $WarningPreference to
see its current value. To set the variable for the session, type
$WarningPreference = "<value>". The valid values are: SilentlyContinue,
Stop, Continue and Inquire. If the value is SilentlyContinue, Write-Warning does
not display a message to the console. When the message is displayed, reverse
video is used to highlight it.
The -message parameter specifies the warning message.
This command displays a warning message specified in the
PS D:\Users\bala> write-warning "Please do not skip this
WARNING: Please do not skip this content
The following command set the value "stop" to the
$WarningPreference variable.
PS D:\Users\bala> $WarningPreference = "Stop"
The following command checks the effect of "stop"
PS D:\Users\bala> write-warning "Please do not skip this
WARNING: Please do not skip this content
Write-Warning : Command execution stopped because the shell
variable "WarningPreference" is set to Stop.
At line:1 char:14 + write-warning <<<< "Please
do not skip this content"
Note that the command execution is stopped after displaying
the warning message.
This cmdlet writes debug messages to the console from a
script or command. Whether the message is displayed in the console depends upon
the value of the $DebugPreference variable.
Type $DebugPreference to see its current value. To set the
variable for the session, type $DebugPreference = "<value>". The valid
values are: SilentlyContinue, Stop, Continue and Inquire. If the value is
SilentlyContinue, Write-Debug does not display a message to the console.
The parameter -message specifies the debug message to send to
the console.
This command writes a debug message which will be shown or
not depending upon the value of $DebugPreference. The value "SilentlyContinue"
means do not show the statement. The Value "Continue" means show the value.
PS D:\Users\bala> write-debug "This script performed
some malfunction"
PS D:\Users\bala> $debugpreference="continue"
PS D:\Users\bala> write-debug "This script performed
some malfunction"
DEBUG: This script performed some malfunction
PS D:\Users\bala>
PS D:\Users\bala> write-debug "This script performed
some malfunction"
PS D:\Users\bala>
This cmdlet writes a string to the verbose display of the
host. The value of the $VerbosePreference variable determines whether or not the
string is displayed in the console window.
To see the value of the variable, type $VerbosePreference.
Valid values are: SilentlyContinue, Stop, Continue and Inquire. To set the value
of the variable in the current session, type $VerbosePreference =
"<value>". If $VerbosePreference is set to SilentlyContinue, running
Write-Verbose does not display anything to the console.
The -message parameter specifies the message to display.
This command sets the $verbosepreference variable to
SilentlyContinue. It then uses the Write-Verbose cmdlet to display the message
"Hi Welcome". Nothing is displayed because of the value of the
$verbosepreference variable. The $verbosepreference variable value is then
changed to Continue and the next call to Write-Verbose displays the message as a
PS D:\Users\bala> write-verbose "Hi, welcome"
PS D:\Users\bala> $verbosepreference
PS D:\Users\bala> $verbosepreference="continue"
PS D:\Users\bala> write-verbose "Hi, welcome"
VERBOSE: Hi, welcome
The following command shows how to set the value "inquire" to
the verbosepreference value. It prompts for the user confirmation.
PS D:\Users\bala> $verbosepreference="inquire"
PS D:\Users\bala> write-verbose "Hi, welcome"
VERBOSE: Hi, welcome
Continue with this operation?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [H] Halt Command [S] Suspend [?]
Help (default is "Y"): Y
The Write-Progress cmdlet displays a progress bar within a
Windows PowerShell command window. Whether the progress bar is displayed is
controlled by the $ProgressPreference variable.
To see the value of that variable, type $ProgressPreference.
Valid values for the variable are: SilentlyContinue, Continue, Stop and Inquire.
If the value is set to SilentlyContinue, no progress information is displayed in
the console.
To set the value of variable for the session, type
$ProgressPreference = "<value>". Write-Progress can use data about the
state of a running command or script to provide a visual indication of progress
within the console window.
The parameter -activity specifies a string that describes the
activity about which progress is being reported. The -status parameter specifies
a string that describes current state of the activity about which progress is
being reported. The -id parameter specifies the activity identifier for this
progress record. -percentComplete specifies the percentage of the activity that
is completed.
The following command displays progress of a for loop.
PS D:\Users\bala> for ($i=1;$i -lt 101; $i++) { for
($j=0; $j -lt 10000; $j++) {} write-progress "Numbers on the run..."
"Completed %: " -perc $i; }
Numbers on the run...
Completed %:
[oooooooooooooooooo ]
Typing the variable, you get the status.
PS D:\Users\bala> $ProgressPreference
This cmdlet Writes objects to the success pipeline. echo is
the alias for this cmdlet.
The inputobject parameter specifies the objects to send along
the pipeline. Enter a variable that contains the objects or type a command or
expression that gets the objects.
This command pipes the string "Balamurali Balaji" to the
Get-Member cmdlet which displays the members of the String class, demonstrating
that the string was passed along the pipeline.
PS D:\Users\bala> write-output "Balamurali Balaji" |
TypeName: System.String
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Clone Method System.Object
CompareTo Method System.Int32
CompareTo(Object value), System.Int32 CompareTo(String strB)
Contains Method System.Boolean
Contains(String value)
CopyTo Method System.Void
CopyTo(Int32 sourceIndex, Char[] destination, Int32 destinationIn...
The following commands define a variable and echo cmdlet is
used to list all the members of an integer type, since 200 is an integer.
PS D:\Users\bala> $myvariable = 200
PS D:\Users\bala> echo $myvariable
PS D:\Users\bala> echo $myvariable | get-member
TypeName: System.Int32
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
CompareTo Method System.Int32 CompareTo(Int32 value),
System.Int32 CompareTo(Object value)
Equals Method System.Boolean Equals(Object obj),
System.Boolean Equals(Int32 obj)
GetHashCode Method System.Int32 GetHashCode()
GetType Method System.Type GetType()
GetTypeCode Method System.TypeCode GetTypeCode()
Method System.String ToString(), System.String ToString(IFormatProvider
provider), System.String ToS...
This cmdlet measures characteristics of objects and their
properties, mostly the objects with textual properties. There are three distinct
actions that the cmdlet can perform. The type of measurement action that takes
place depends upon the parameters specified.
If you do not specify any parameters, the cmdlet returns a
count of the number of input objects.
If the Property parameter is specified along with either the
Sum or Average parameter, the sum or average of the properties is calculated.
Textual properties are measured when one or more of the Line, Word, or
Character, parameters is specified.
The -inputObject parameter specifies the objects to be
measured. Enter a variable that contains the objects or type a command or
expression that gets the objects.
This command displays the number of files and folders in the
current directory. (requires that the current location is a drive mapped to the
FileSystem provider)
PS D:\Users\bala> get-childitem | measure-object
Count : 15
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property :
This command displays the minimum, maximum and sum of the
sizes of all files in the current directory as well as the average size of a
file in the directory.
PS D:\Users\bala> get-childitem | measure-object
-property length -minimum -maximum -average
Count : 3
Average : 5327.33333333333
Sum :
Maximum : 15260
Minimum : 272
Property : length
This command displays the number of characters, words and
lines in the text.txt file.
PS D:\Users\bala> get-content bb.txt | measure-object
-character -line -word
Words Characters Property
----- ---------- --------
500 7497
The Start-Transcript cmdlet creates a record of all or part
of a Windows PowerShell session in a text file. The transcript includes all
command that the user types and all output that appears on the console.
The -path parameter specifies a location for the transcript
file with .txt extension. If you do not specify a path, Start-Transcript uses
the path in the value of the $Transcript global variable.
The -noClobber parameter will not overwrite (replace the
contents) of an existing file. By default, if a transcript file exists in the
specified path, Start-Transcript overwrites the file without warning.
To end the recording of cmdlets being executed, issue a
stop-transcript cmdlet. Accessing the transcript file with out stopping the
recording would loop around the console output.
This command starts a transcript in the cmdlist.txt file in
documents subfolder in the current directory. The NoClobber parameter prevents
any existing files from being overwritten. If the cmdlist.txt file already
exists, the command fails.
PS D:\Users\bala> start-transcript
Transcript started, output file is
PS D:\Users\bala> get-date
30 January 2008 17:24:45
PS D:\Users\bala> get-childitem
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------
d-r-- 17-01-2008 16:50:44 Links
d---- 17-03-2008 17:31:43
-a--- 12-03-2008 10:38:52 15260 bb.txt
-a--- 16-03-2008 11:15:43 450
-a--- 08-03-2008 11:18:01 272
PS D:\Users\bala> stop-transcript
Transcript stopped, output file is
PS D:\Users\bala> type documents\cmdlist.txt
Windows PowerShell Transcript Start
Start time: 20080130172433
Username : balamurali-b\bala
Machine : BALAMURALI-B (Microsoft Windows NT
Transcript started, output file is documents\cmdlist.txt
PS D:\Users\bala> get-date
Windows PowerShell Transcript End
End time: 20080130172502
The Start-Sleep cmdlet suspends shell, script, or runspace
activity for the specified period of time. You can use it in a script to wait
for an operation to complete, or in a loop, to wait a specific time before
repeating an operation.
The -seconds and -milliseconds parameter specifies how long
the resource sleeps in miiliseconds respectively.
This command makes the shell sleep for 5 seconds.
PS D:\Users\bala> start-sleep 5
This command makes the command shell sleep for 5 seconds
(5000 milliseconds).
PS D:\Users\bala> start-sleep -m 5000
It creates a TimeSpan object. The resulting object can be
used to add or subtract time from a DateTime object to create additional
DateTime objects.
The -start parameter indicates the start of a timespan and
-end parameter indicates the end of a timespan. The -days, -hours, -minutes,
-seconds parameters are also available.
This command creates a TimeSpan object of duration 1 hour and
25 minutes and stores it in a variable named $timespan. It displays a
representation of the TimeSpan object.
PS D:\Users\bala> $timenow = new-timespan -hour 5
-minute 30
PS D:\Users\bala> $timenow
Days : 0
Hours : 5
Minutes : 30
Seconds : 0
Milliseconds : 0
Ticks : 198000000000
TotalDays : 0.229166666666667
TotalHours : 5.5
TotalMinutes : 330
TotalSeconds : 19800
TotalMilliseconds : 19800000
This example creates a new TimeSpan object that represents
the duration between when the command is run and May 27, 1970.
PS D:\Users\bala> $sometime = new-timespan (get-date
1970 -month 05 -day 29)
PS D:\Users\bala> $sometime
Days : 732922
Hours : 10
Minutes : 48
Seconds : 8
Milliseconds : 187
Ticks : 633244996881876130
TotalDays : 732922.450094764
TotalHours : 17590138.8022743
TotalMinutes : 1055408328.13646
TotalSeconds : 63324499688.1876
TotalMilliseconds : 63324499688187.6
The Get-Credential cmdlet creates a credential object for a
specified username and password. Later, you can use the credential object in
security operations.
The -credential parameter is optional and it specifies a user
name for the credential, such as "User01" or "Domain01\User01". When you enter
the command, you will be prompted for a password. If you omit this parameter,
you will be prompted for a user name and a password.
This command gets a credential object and saves it in the
$logininfo variable.
PS D:\Users\bala> $logininfo = get-credential
cmdlet get-credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
When you enter the command, a dialog box appears requesting a
user name and password. When you enter the requested information, the cmdlet
creates a PSCredential object representing the credentials of the user and saves
it in the $logininfo variable.
You can use the object as input to cmdlets that request user
authentication, such as those with a Credential parameter. However, the
providers that are installed currently with Windows PowerShell do not support
the Credential parameter.
This command uses a credential object from Get-Credential to
authenticate a user on a remote computer so they can use Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) to manage the computer.
PS D:\Users\bala> get-wmiobject win32-diskdrive
-computername bala -credential $logininfo
Note: Credential parameter in PowerShell commands work only
for remote computers within a network; not with the local computer.
The Format-Custom cmdlet formats the output of a command as
defined in an alternate view. Format-Custom is designed to display views that
are not just tables or just lists. You can use the views defined in the
*format.PS1XML files in the Windows PowerShell directory or you can create your
own views in new PS1XML files and use the Update-FormatData cmdlet to add them
to Windows PowerShell.
The -property parameter specifies the object properties that
appear in the display and the order in which they appear.
The -inputObject specifies the objects to be formatted. Enter
a variable that contains the objects or type a command or expression that gets
the objects.
The -view parameter specifies the name of an alternate format
or "view." If you omit this parameter, Format-Custom uses a default custom view.
You cannot use the Property and View parameters in the same command.
This command formats information about the Winlogon process
in an alternate customized view. Because the command does not use the View
parameter, Format-Custom uses a default custom view to format the data.
PS D:\Users\bala> get-process winlogon |
class Process
Id = 740
Handles = 125
Name = winlogon
This command formats information about the get-alias in an
alternate customized view.
PS D:\Users\bala> get-alias | format-custom
class AliasInfo
ResolvedCommandName = Add-Content
ReferencedCommand =
class CmdletInfo
Verb = Add
Noun = Content
The Format-Wide cmdlet formats objects as a wide table that
displays only one property of each object. You can use the Property parameter to
determine which property is displayed.
The parameter -property is optional and it specifies the
object properties that appear in the display and the order in which they appear.
The -column specifies the number of columns in the display.
You cannot use the Autosize and Column parameters in the same command.
The Alias for this cmdlet is fw.
This command displays the names of files in the current
directory in three columns across the screen.
PS D:\Users\bala> get-childitem | format-wide -column
[Favorites] [Links]
[Pictures] [Saved Games]
[Tracing] [Videos]
events.txt myevents.txt
The following cmdlet displays name of the files in the
current directory in as many columns as required across the screen with the use
of -autosize parameter.
PS D:\Users\bala> get-childitem | format-wide
[Contacts] [Desktop] [Documents] [Downloads]
[Favorites] [Links] [newfolder] [Pictures]
[Saved Games] [Searches] [Tracing] [Videos]
bb.txt events.txt myevents.txt
The Format-List cmdlet formats the output of a command as a
list of properties in which each property is displayed on a separate line.
Because more space is available for each item in a list than in a table, Windows
PowerShell displays more properties of the object in the list, and the property
values are less likely to be truncated. You can use a command to format all
properties of an object as a list (format-list *) to find all of the properties
of the object.
The -property, an optional parameter specifies the object
properties that appear in the display and the order in which they appear. The
-view specifies the name of an alternate list format or "view." You cannot use
the Property and View parameters in the same command. The -groupBy parameter
formats the output in groups based on a shared property or value. Enter an
expression or a property of the output.
The Alias for this cmdlet is fl.
This command formats information about processes running on
the computer as a list. By default, the services are formatted as a table.
PS D:\Users\bala> get-process | format-list
Id : 1128
Handles : 108
Name : audiodg
Id : 940
Handles : 154
Name : avgamsvr
Id : 1284
Handles : 187
CPU : 6.71875
Name : avgcc
These commands display information about files in the Windows
PowerShell directory as a list.
PS D:\Users\bala> get-childitem $pshome |
Name : Documents
CreationTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:44
LastWriteTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:44
LastAccessTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:44
Name : en-US
CreationTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:42
LastWriteTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:44
LastAccessTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:44
Name : Examples
CreationTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:44
LastWriteTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:44
LastAccessTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:44
Name : Certificate.format.ps1xml
Length : 22120
CreationTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:25
LastWriteTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:25
LastAccessTime : 04-03-2008 11:14:25
VersionInfo :
This command displays the Id and name of each process on the
PS D:\Users\bala> get-process | format-list -property
Id : 1128
Name : audiodg
Id : 940
Name : avgamsvr
Id : 1284
Name : avgcc
Id : 2040
Name : avgemc
Id : 456
Name : avgrssvc
This cmdlet creates a new alias. This alias name will be
added to the list for the session. Aliases created by using New-Alias are not
saved after you exit the session or close Windows PowerShell. You can use the
Export-Alias cmdlet to save your alias information to a file. You can later use
Import-Alias to retrieve that saved alias information.
The -name parameter specifies the new alias. The -value
parameter specifies the name of the cmdlet or command element that is being
aliased. You may include -description parameter to specify a description of the
alias. You can type any string. If the description includes spaces, enclose it
quotation marks. But this option will not work currently in v1.0 of
This command creates an alias named 'list' to represent the
Get-ChildItem cmdlet.
PS D:\Users\bala> new-alias list get-childitem
PS D:\Users\bala> list
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d-r-- 23-11-2007 13:25:13 Contacts
d-r-- 21-01-2008 17:02:44 Desktop
d-r-- 20-01-2008 18:08:18 Documents
-a--- 12-03-2008 10:38:52 15260 bb.txt
-a--- 16-03-2008 11:15:43 450 events.txt
-a--- 08-03-2008 11:18:01 272 myevents.txt
The following command creates the alias "list" once again
with some description and -force parameter is used to over-write the existing
PS D:\Users\bala> new-alias list -value 'get-childitem'
-description "new alias to list all the files and folders" -force
PS D:\Users\bala> list
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
---- ------------- ------ ----
d-r-- 23-11-2007 13:25:13 Contacts
d-r-- 21-01-2008 17:02:44 Desktop
d-r-- 20-01-2008 18:08:18 Documents
-a--- 12-03-2008 10:38:52 15260 bb.txt
-a--- 16-03-2008 11:15:43 450 events.txt
-a--- 08-03-2008 11:18:01 272 myevents.txt
This cmdlet invokes the provider-specific default action on
the specified item. When applied to a file system item, for example, it will
either run the file or open it with the application associated with that file
The parameter -path specifies the path to the item or file
that is the object of the Cmdlet.
After changing the location to the specified folder, this
command opens the file myevents.txt in Notepad.
PS D:\Windows\System32> set-location d:\users\bala
PS D:\users\bala> invoke-item myevents.txt
This command opens the file myevents.txt in Microsoft
PS D:\users\bala> invoke-item documents\*.doc
This cmdlet is used to move a property of an item from one
item to another item. For example, it can move a registry entry from one
registry key to another. When you move an item property, it is added to the new
location and deleted from its original location.
The parameter -path specifies the path to the current
location of the property and -destination specifies the path to the destination
location. The parameter -name specifies the name of the property to be
This command moves the "username" registry value, and its
data, from the Mycompany key to the google subkey of the HKLM\Software\MyCompany
registry key.
PS HKLM:\software> move-itemproperty mycompany -name
username -destination hklm:\software\google
This cmdlet sets the value of a property at the specified
location. Works with many different properties in many different locations. "sp"
is the alias for this cmdlet.
Include the -path to specify the path to the items with the
property to be set. -inputObject parameter is used to specify the name of the
properties to set.
Most of the properties are read-only and you need to be
careful in using this cmdlet when you change the current value of properties to
new values.
This command sets the value of the username to "Ram" in the
mycompany entry.
PS HKLM:\software> get-itemproperty mycompany
PSPath :
PSParentPath :
PSChildName : mycompany
PSDrive : HKLM
PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry
config : 1
username : bala
Using get-itemproperty, you may view the property details
including its value.
PS HKLM:\software> set-itemproperty mycompany -name
username -Value "Ram"
PS HKLM:\software> get-itemproperty mycompany
PSPath :
PSParentPath :
PSChildName : mycompany
PSDrive : HKLM
PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry
config : 1
username : Ram
This cmdlet sets a new property of an item at a location.
With the -path parameter, the path of the item for which a
new property is to be created.
The name and value of the property to be created is set using
-name and -value parameters.
The -propertyType parameter is used to specify the Type of
the property.
Nowchange the location to registry and try out the following
example. You must run the PowerShell command window as Administrator.
PS D:\Users\bala> set-location hklm:\software
This example assumes working in the Registry namespace where
there is a store for a mycompany under "HKLM:\Software". Now, in the store there
is a new int property named "Config".
PS HKLM:\software> new-itemproperty mycompany -name
config -Value 1
PSPath :
PSParentPath :
PSChildName : mycompany
PSDrive : HKLM
PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry
config : 1
You may view the property newly created, as below:
PS HKLM:\software> get-item my*
SKC VC Name Property
--- -- ---- --------
0 1 Mycompany {config}
This cmdlet formats the output of a command as a table with a
selected properties of the object in each column. The object type determines the
default layout and properties that are displayed in each column, but you can use
the Property parameter to select the properties that you want to see.
To add calculated properties to an object before displaying
it. use the Property parameter to specify a hash table. The hash table must
include two keys: Label and Expression.
The parameter -autosize adjusts the column size and number of
columns based on the width of the data. The -hideTableHeaders parameter
omits the column headings from the table. -groupBy formats the output in groups
based on a shared property or value. The -wrap parameter displays text that
exceeds the column width on the next line.
This command formats information about Windows PowerShell
snap-ins in a table. By default, they are formatted in a list. The Autosize
parameter adjusts the column widths to minimize truncation.
PS D:\Windows\System32> get-pssnapin | format-table
Name PSVersion
---- ---------
Microsoft.PowerShell.Core 1.0 This Windows
PowerShell snap-in contains Windows PowerShell management cmd...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Host 1.0 This Windows
PowerShell snap-in contains cmdlets used by the Windows Power...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management 1.0 This Windows
PowerShell snap-in contains management cmdlets used to manage...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Security 1.0 This Windows
PowerShell snap-in contains cmdlets to manage Windows PowerSh...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility 1.0 This
Windows PowerShell snap-in contains utility Cmdlets used to manipulat...
This command displays the processes on the computer in groups
with the same base priority class. The Wrap parameter assures that data is
displayed on the next line, instead of being truncated.
PS D:\Windows\System32> get-process | format-table
-groupby basepriority -wrap
BasePriority: 8
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id
------- ------ ----- ----- -----
------ -- -----------
120 4 12760 6696
40 1168 audiodg
155 5 48292 316 97 6.34
2036 avgamsvr
188 7 48740 668 110 7.19
4000 avgcc
154 7 47280 1684 101 6.25
216 avgemc
50 4 46356 13516 83 21.16
304 avgrssvc
59 2 1060 316 38
0.02 332 avgrssvc
93 4 1860 668 48
0.08 236 avgupsvc
232 7 9184 1440 75
6.27 496 BlueSoleilCS
69 2 1004 468 30
0.05 2820 BsHelpCS
BasePriority: 13
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id
------- ------ ----- ----- -----
------ -- -----------
552 5 1600 1364 132 1.91
520 csrss
313 6 10776 8080 140 20.58
580 csrss
BasePriority: 8
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id
------- ------ ----- ----- -----
------ -- -----------
131 5 2940 1288 58 0.31
4016 DPAgnt
155 6 6760 1432 63
3.11 572 DpHost
This command displays information about the processes on the
computer in group based on the start date of the process. The View parameter is
used to select the StartTime view that is defined in the
DotNetTypes.format.ps1xml for System.Diagnostics.Process objects, like those
returned by Get-Process. This view converts the StartTime of the process to a
short date and then groups the processes by start date.
PS D:\Windows\System32> get-process | format-table
-view starttime
ProcessName Id HandleCount
----------- -- -----------
audiodg 1168 120
StartTime.ToShortDateString(): 15-03-2008
ProcessName Id HandleCount
----------- -- -----------
avgamsvr 2036 155
avgcc 4000 188
avgemc 216 155
avgrssvc 304 50
This command displays all of the services on the computer in
a table with two columns, "Name" and "DependentServices".
PS D:\Windows\System32> get-service | format-table
-property name, dependentservices
{SharedAccess, RemoteAccess, PolicyAgent, MpsSvc...}
{wuauserv, WSearch, wscsvc, WPDBusEnum...}
{SLUINotify, COMSysApp, SENS, DFSR...}
{SessionEnv, Netlogon, Browser}
This command shows how to use a calculated property in a
table. The command displays a table with the process name and total running time
of all Notepad processes on the local computer. The total running time is
calculated by subtracting the start time of each process from the current
The TotalRunningTime property is specified by a hash table
with two keys, "Label" and "Expression".
PS D:\Windows\System32> get-process notepad |
format-table processname, @{label="totalrunningtime"; Expression={ (get-date) -