How to Split strings using C#?
Splitting strings based on a delimiter is one of the very common requirements we will get. This little code snippet will help us to do with String.Split() method and RegEx.Split() method.
String.Split() method string str = "I love ASP.Net"; string[] StrSpli = str.Split(' '); foreach (string s in StrSpli) { Response.Write(s); Response.Write("<BR>"); }
RegEx.Split() method string str = "I love ASP.Net"; string[] StrSpli = Regex.Split(str, @"\s"); foreach (string s in StrSpli) { Response.Write(s); Response.Write("<BR>"); }
The above samples will split the string if there is a space between the words. You should include System.Text.RegularExpression namespace for the RegEx.Split() method to work.
Happy Coding!!