Get All Language-Country Code List for all Culture in C#, ASP.Net
The below little code snippet will get all the available culture and print it in tabular format. The output of the code is given below,
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
CultureInfo[] cinfo = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures & ~CultureTypes.NeutralCultures);
Response.Write("<table border=\"1\"><tr><th>Country Name</th><th>Language-Country code</th></tr>");
foreach (CultureInfo cul in cinfo)
Response.Write("<td>" + cul.DisplayName + " </td><td> " + cul.Name + "</td>");
Include System.Globalization namespace for the above code to work.
List of Language-Country code list Using CultureInfo in C# and ASP.Net
Country Name |
Language-Country code |
Arabic (Saudi Arabia) |
ar-SA |
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) |
bg-BG |
Catalan (Catalan) |
ca-ES |
Chinese (Taiwan) |
zh-TW |
Czech (Czech Republic) |
cs-CZ |
Danish (Denmark) |
da-DK |
German (Germany) |
de-DE |
Greek (Greece) |
el-GR |
English (United States) |
en-US |
Finnish (Finland) |
fi-FI |
French (France) |
fr-FR |
Hebrew (Israel) |
he-IL |
Hungarian (Hungary) |
hu-HU |
Icelandic (Iceland) |
is-IS |
Italian (Italy) |
it-IT |
Japanese (Japan) |
ja-JP |
Korean (Korea) |
ko-KR |
Dutch (Netherlands) |
nl-NL |
Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway) |
nb-NO |
Polish (Poland) |
pl-PL |
Portuguese (Brazil) |
pt-BR |
Romanian (Romania) |
ro-RO |
Russian (Russia) |
ru-RU |
Croatian (Croatia) |
hr-HR |
Slovak (Slovakia) |
sk-SK |
Albanian (Albania) |
sq-AL |
Swedish (Sweden) |
sv-SE |
Thai (Thailand) |
th-TH |
Turkish (Turkey) |
tr-TR |
Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan) |
ur-PK |
Indonesian (Indonesia) |
id-ID |
Ukrainian (Ukraine) |
uk-UA |
Belarusian (Belarus) |
be-BY |
Slovenian (Slovenia) |
sl-SI |
Estonian (Estonia) |
et-EE |
Latvian (Latvia) |
lv-LV |
Lithuanian (Lithuania) |
lt-LT |
Persian (Iran) |
fa-IR |
Vietnamese (Vietnam) |
vi-VN |
Armenian (Armenia) |
hy-AM |
Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan) |
az-Latn-AZ |
Basque (Basque) |
eu-ES |
Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) |
mk-MK |
Afrikaans (South Africa) |
af-ZA |
Georgian (Georgia) |
ka-GE |
Faroese (Faroe Islands) |
fo-FO |
Hindi (India) |
hi-IN |
Malay (Malaysia) |
ms-MY |
Kazakh (Kazakhstan) |
kk-KZ |
Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan) |
ky-KG |
Kiswahili (Kenya) |
sw-KE |
Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan) |
uz-Latn-UZ |
Tatar (Russia) |
tt-RU |
Punjabi (India) |
pa-IN |
Gujarati (India) |
gu-IN |
Tamil (India) |
ta-IN |
Telugu (India) |
te-IN |
Kannada (India) |
kn-IN |
Marathi (India) |
mr-IN |
Sanskrit (India) |
sa-IN |
Mongolian (Cyrillic, Mongolia) |
mn-MN |
Galician (Galician) |
gl-ES |
Konkani (India) |
kok-IN |
Syriac (Syria) |
syr-SY |
Divehi (Maldives) |
dv-MV |
Arabic (Iraq) |
ar-IQ |
Chinese (People's Republic of China) |
zh-CN |
German (Switzerland) |
de-CH |
English (United Kingdom) |
en-GB |
Spanish (Mexico) |
es-MX |
French (Belgium) |
fr-BE |
Italian (Switzerland) |
it-CH |
Dutch (Belgium) |
nl-BE |
Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway) |
nn-NO |
Portuguese (Portugal) |
pt-PT |
Serbian (Latin, Serbia) |
sr-Latn-CS |
Swedish (Finland) |
sv-FI |
Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan) |
az-Cyrl-AZ |
Malay (Brunei Darussalam) |
ms-BN |
Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan) |
uz-Cyrl-UZ |
Arabic (Egypt) |
ar-EG |
Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.) |
zh-HK |
German (Austria) |
de-AT |
English (Australia) |
en-AU |
Spanish (Spain) |
es-ES |
French (Canada) |
fr-CA |
Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia) |
sr-Cyrl-CS |
Arabic (Libya) |
ar-LY |
Chinese (Singapore) |
zh-SG |
German (Luxembourg) |
de-LU |
English (Canada) |
en-CA |
Spanish (Guatemala) |
es-GT |
French (Switzerland) |
fr-CH |
Arabic (Algeria) |
ar-DZ |
Chinese (Macao S.A.R.) |
zh-MO |
German (Liechtenstein) |
de-LI |
English (New Zealand) |
en-NZ |
Spanish (Costa Rica) |
es-CR |
French (Luxembourg) |
fr-LU |
Arabic (Morocco) |
ar-MA |
English (Ireland) |
en-IE |
Spanish (Panama) |
es-PA |
French (Principality of Monaco) |
fr-MC |
Arabic (Tunisia) |
ar-TN |
English (South Africa) |
en-ZA |
Spanish (Dominican Republic) |
es-DO |
Arabic (Oman) |
ar-OM |
English (Jamaica) |
en-JM |
Spanish (Venezuela) |
es-VE |
Arabic (Yemen) |
ar-YE |
English (Caribbean) |
en-029 |
Spanish (Colombia) |
es-CO |
Arabic (Syria) |
ar-SY |
English (Belize) |
en-BZ |
Spanish (Peru) |
es-PE |
Arabic (Jordan) |
ar-JO |
English (Trinidad and Tobago) |
en-TT |
Spanish (Argentina) |
es-AR |
Arabic (Lebanon) |
ar-LB |
English (Zimbabwe) |
en-ZW |
Spanish (Ecuador) |
es-EC |
Arabic (Kuwait) |
ar-KW |
English (Republic of the Philippines) |
en-PH |
Spanish (Chile) |
es-CL |
Arabic (U.A.E.) |
ar-AE |
Spanish (Uruguay) |
es-UY |
Arabic (Bahrain) |
ar-BH |
Spanish (Paraguay) |
es-PY |
Arabic (Qatar) |
ar-QA |
Spanish (Bolivia) |
es-BO |
Spanish (El Salvador) |
es-SV |
Spanish (Honduras) |
es-HN |
Spanish (Nicaragua) |
es-NI |
Spanish (Puerto Rico) |
es-PR |
Sami, Southern (Norway) |
sma-NO |
Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
sr-Cyrl-BA |
Zulu |
zu-ZA |
Xhosa |
xh-ZA |
Frisian (Netherlands) |
fy-NL |
Setswana (South Africa) |
tn-ZA |
Sami, Northern (Sweden) |
se-SE |
Sami, Southern (Sweden) |
sma-SE |
Filipino (Philippines) |
fil-PH |
Sami, Inari (Finland) |
smn-FI |
Quechua (Peru) |
quz-PE |
Sami, Northern (Finland) |
se-FI |
Sami, Skolt (Finland) |
sms-FI |
Welsh |
cy-GB |
Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
hr-BA |
Inuktitut (Latin, Canada) |
iu-Latn-CA |
Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
bs-Cyrl-BA |
Mohawk (Mohawk) |
moh-CA |
Sami, Lule (Norway) |
smj-NO |
Mapudungun (Chile) |
arn-CL |
Maori |
mi-NZ |
Quechua (Ecuador) |
quz-EC |
Irish (Ireland) |
ga-IE |
Romansh (Switzerland) |
rm-CH |
Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
sr-Latn-BA |
Sami, Lule (Sweden) |
smj-SE |
Luxembourgish (Luxembourg) |
lb-LU |
Sesotho sa Leboa (South Africa) |
ns-ZA |
Quechua (Bolivia) |
quz-BO |
Sami, Northern (Norway) |
se-NO |
Maltese |
mt-MT |
Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
bs-Latn-BA |
Happy Coding!!