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Tagged as '.net core'

Start Learning Asp.Net Core - Part 4 - Deploying and Hosting Asp.Net Core Application
In this part, we will understand how to deploy and host Asp.Net Core Application with Kestrel and using IIS or Nginx or Apache as Reverse proxy...Read more
Start Learning Asp.Net Core - Part 3 - Creating Deployment Package
In this part, let’s see how to create different types of Asp.Net Core Application build deployment or release packages in detail. We will use dotnet..Read moreAsp.Net Vs Asp.Net Core [Classic Asp.Net vs Asp.Net Core (Asp.Net Core MVC)] - Comparison
Asp.Net Core is initially called Asp.Net vNext and it had series of naming changes like Asp.Net 5.0, Asp.Net MVC Core 6.0 and finally it was named as..Read more