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User Controls and Dynamic User controls in ASP.Net

By Satheesh Babu
Posted On Jul 11,2009
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User Controls and Dynamic User controls in ASP.Net


Apart from inbuilt server controls and HTML controls, ASP.Net offers us the flexibility to create our own custom control which can be reused across our project. This is because, not every time the inbuilt controls will satisfy all our needs. To overcome this difficulty, infrastructure allows us to create our own custom control and user control to build our own functionalities.


Difference between Custom Control and User Control

A custom control is one that works similar to existing server control which has separate assembly and lifecycle of an server control. Since, it produces a dll; it can re-used in multiple projects like any other server control. A usercontrol is one which can be created using the existing server controls to satisfy a requirement that can be reused in a project. A user control can be compared with the include files in classic asp application and it works quite similar to a normal aspx page.

For example, user controls in 1.x are commonly used for providing common header and footer for a website. Another common use is for providing login box in every pages of the website.


Moving forward, we will see more about user controls, dynamically loading user controls and some advance usages with user controls. To understand better, we will build a RSS reader usercontrol that can be used across the project.



1.      Open Visual Studio 2005/2008.

2.      Click File > New > Website.

3.      Select ASP.Net Website. Also, select the language of your choice. I have selected C#. Name your website accordingly.

4.      To add a new usercontrol, right click your project in the solution explorer > Add new item.

5.      We will use DataList control to populate the RSS feed and display it to the users. So, Drag a DataList control from Data tab of Visual Studio into our user control. Drag an ASP.Net label control to display error message.

The final code will look like,

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="RssReader.ascx.cs" Inherits="RssReader" %>

<asp:DataList ID="dlRSS" runat="server" Width="100%">


        <div class="RSSTitle"><asp:HyperLink ID="TitleLink" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("title") %>' NavigateUrl='<%# Eval("link") %>'/></div>

                    <div class="RSSSubtitle"><asp:Label ID="SubtitleLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("description") %>' /></div>

                    <div class="RSSInfo">

                        posted on <asp:Label ID="DateRSSedLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("pubDate", "{0:d} @ {0:t}") %>' />




<asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>


6.      In the code behind file of the user control, we will read the RSS content and bind it to the DataList using XmlTextReader and DataSet object. I have used rss to bind the DataList.


public partial class RssReader : System.Web.UI.UserControl


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        XmlTextReader reader = null;



            reader = new XmlTextReader("");

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();


            dlRSS.DataSource = ds.Tables["item"];



        catch (Exception ex)


            lblMessage.Text = ex.Message;









The lblMessage is ASP.Net label control to display error message.


7.      To use this user control in an aspx page, drag the ascx file from the solution explorer to the aspx page. This will add a Register directive (just below the Page Directive) and control markup in the aspx page. Refer the below code,

<%@ Register Src="RssReader.ascx" TagName="RssReader" TagPrefix="uc1" %>

<uc1:RssReader ID="RssReader1" runat="server" />


Execute the page and see it in action. In the same way, you can add the user control to the other pages as well.


If you see our usercontrol, we have hard coded the RSS URL to the site. Consider, if we want to make this as a configurable and more generic i.e. it will be good if we expose a property in the usercontrol that accepts any RSS URL and fetches the content from that URL. Next section will help us to do this.


Adding a public property to the UserControl

To make the usercontrol to fetch the RSS data from any URL we specify, we need to expose a string public property which can be used to set the URL from the aspx page.


To do this, add a public string property called RSSURL in the user control and make the XmlTextReader object to fetch the data using the property.

Refer the below code.

  private string _rss;


    public string RSSURL




            return _rss;




            _rss = value;



    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        XmlTextReader reader = null;



            reader = new XmlTextReader(RSSURL);

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();


            dlRSS.DataSource = ds.Tables["item"];



        catch (Exception ex)


            lblMessage.Text = ex.Message;









Now, configure the RSSURL property from the ASPX page. Refer below,

<uc1:RssReader ID="RssReader1" RSSURL="" runat="server" />


We can also assign the URL from codebehind,

RssReader1.RSSURL= "" ;


A better idea will be configuring the RSS URL in AppSettings of the Web.Config file and then configuring the control by fetching the value from Web.Config file. Execute the page and see it in action.


Next section, we will see how to load user control dynamically from codebehind class.


Loading UserControls Dynamically

We can use the LoadControl() method packed in the Page object to load the usercontrols dynamically.

Before loading the usercontrol dynamically, we need to register the user control in the page using Register directive for the dynamic user control to work. Add this directive next to the Page directive in the aspx page.


<%@ Reference Control = "RssReader.ascx" %>


Now, the below code will load the usercontrol from codebehind,

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        RssReader _usrCtrl = Page.LoadControl("RssReader.ascx") as RssReader;

        _usrCtrl.RSSURL = "";




Execute the page and see it in action.


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