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Using jQuery with GridView in Asp.Net

By Suresh Kumar Goudampally
Posted On Jan 10,2010
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Using jQuery with GridView in Asp.Net


The Gridview control in needs no introduction and we all know what is jQuery and its advantages. To do client operations on the GridView control we end up writing number of lines code in javascript.  Recently in one project I have implemented client side stuff on GridView using jQuery and thought of sharing my knowledge through this article. This article gives you a glimpse of how we can do client side operations of the GridView using jQuery with some examples.  The primary advantage of using jQuery on GridView is avoiding hundreds of lines of code. In the coming section I will be explaining few functional scenarios and how jQuery can be used to implement them on GridView.

Scenario 1

The requirement is the user want to show the pager of the GridView on the top/bottom of the page. The following screenshot depicts the requirement:


Using jQuery we can implement this in a simple and effective way using the following steps describe below.

1.      Include the JQuery .js file which has all the jQuery utilities.

      <script src=""></script>      

2.      Take two empty html trs at the top and bottoms of the page where you want display the GridView Pager according to the requirement.

<!-- Top  -->

               <tr id="toppagetr">


<!-- Bottom  -->

               <tr id="bottompagetr">


3.      Set the GridView PagerStyle cssClass name with some unique value i.e make sure that this cssClass name is not used for any other control.

       <PagerStyle CssClass="GridPager" />

4.      Now write a javascript method which assigns the pager html to the top and bottom rows.

       function SetPager()






5.      Call the above javascript method on the body onload and check the output.

       <body onload="SetPager()">

Here the reads the pager html using the jQuery conventions and assigns them to the required trs. Note that GridView should be allowed to paging and bind with sufficient data to test the output


Scenario 2

The anchor button columns of GridView which have empty urls should not be underlined and vice versa. This can be achieved in a simple way using jQuery.


1.      First place a GridView and take templated anchor column which is bound with data.


              <asp:BoundField DataField="Sno" HeaderText="Sno" /> 



                      <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" CssClass="AnchorStyle" Text='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Company") %>' NavigateUrl='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Url") %>' runat="server">HyperLink</asp:HyperLink>



                      <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Company"></asp:Label>






    color: #78000E;



Here as the style AnchorStyle is applied to hyper link, all the links are underlined event though the urls are empty. Check the below screen shot, for Google link I have assigned empty url but it still shows underline


2.      Make sure this style is not used for any links other than GridView because the requirement is only links that are only on the GridView.

3.      The following code removes the underline for empty urls and call this code on body onload.

            function RemoveUnderLine()



if($('.AnchorStyle')!=null & ($(this).attr('href')=="" ||     $(this).attr('href')==null) )


   $(this).css({"text-decoration": "none"});




         <body onload="RemoveUnderLine()">

4.      Now check the output for the rows which have empty url, the under line is removed. Please check the screenshot where underline is removed.



Here the code checks each link in the GridView which has the given styles and makes the text-decoration to none if the href value is empty.

Scenario 3

Let’s say we have a GridView and user is allowed to select a row using check box and the requirement is when user selects/unselects on header check box all the rows of GridView should be Selected/Unselected


This is very simple to implement by applying the checked property using the jQuery expression * for finding all the checkboxes.

The Grid View markup is




                      <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" class="GridTest"   CssClass="GridViewCheckBoxStyle" runat="server" Text="Select"  />                     



                      <asp:CheckBox ID="grdCheckBox"   onclick="CheckUncheckAll(this)" runat="server" />





The following jQuery code selects/unselects all the checkboxes present in the GridView

function CheckUncheckAll(headercheckbox)


    if(headercheckbox.checked == true)

    $("#<%=GridView1.ClientID%> input[id*='CheckBox1']:checkbox").attr('checked', true); 


    $("#<%=GridView1.ClientID%> input[id*='CheckBox1']:checkbox").attr('checked', false); 



The article mainly focuses on how we can use the jQuery to manipulate, apply styles and change properties of the GridView objects using simple techniques. In this article I explained few scenarios using samples, code snippets and techniques how jQuery can be leveraged to do GridView client side operations. In future if there are any further learning’s I will post them in the part 2 under the same topic name. Happy Reading!!.


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