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How to Convert a Web Page, Word Document and Excel Sheet to PDF Without Installing any Software?
Many times, we will come across a need to convert a web page or a word document or an excel sheet to pdf file.We can convert any webpage to pdf..Read more

General HowTo

Creating Accessible Input Forms in Asp.Net MVC - Section 508 Compliance and ADA Compliance
Making web accessible to disabled people requires our web application should be accessible to various assistive technologies like screen readers, etc..Read more

Asp.Net Asp.Net MVC Accessibility

Create Multi Language WebSite in Asp.Net MVC – Localization
.Net Framework and Asp.Net has localization support using resources files which helps us to localize the views and thus preventing the need to build..Read more


Create/Bind DropDownList, RadioButtonList, and CheckBoxList from Json in Asp.Net MVC Using jQuery
Let’s see how to create other commonly used input controls like DropDownList, RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList control from Json data...Read more

Asp.Net MVC jQuery

Create HTML Table from JSON in Asp.Net MVC View Using jQuery and Mustache.js
Creating UI elements by fetching JSON data from server is one of the most common task we do in any web application we develop these days. In this..Read more

Asp.Net MVC jQuery