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Streaming Media Contents and VPNs
For years, it was easy to bypass geo-blocking content with a VPN, but a couple of years ago Netflix started blocking the use of the service through a..Read more

The Hidden Benefits Of A Password Manager
Password managers seem like a good innovation for a decade ago. Then, remembering passwords for a growing list of accounts was almost impossible..Read more


Make Asp.Net MVC Clientside(jquery.validate.js) Form Validation Error Message Accessible
In this article, let us understand how to make the input form validation error message accessible to screen reader users. ..Read more

Asp.Net Asp.Net MVC Accessibility

Create Accessible TextArea Character Counter in Asp.Net MVC Using jQuery
we will have TextArea for getting user comments in the form of multiline texts in input forms. It is necessary to inform users about the text length..Read more

Asp.Net Asp.Net MVC jQuery Accessibility

Accessible RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList in Asp.Net MVC-Section 508 Compliance and ADA Compliance
Let’s understand how to make RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList elements accessible, i.e. let’s make the label and individual option’s label of these..Read more

Asp.Net Asp.Net MVC Accessibility